

The RAI maintains several categories of fellowship for academics based at Oxford University and recent Oxford graduates who specialise in any aspect of American history, politics, literature and culture.

If you are not based in Oxford but would like to visit us for a term or a year, please consider applying for our Fellowships-in-Residence.




Postdoctoral Fellows

This category provides students who have recently completed a DPhil with an informal academic affiliation while they look for employment.

Only people who were RAI Postgraduate Members may apply for this category. Students must apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship within one year of completing their DPhil studies at Oxford. Applications can be submitted from the point that a viva date has been agreed.

Fellowships are awarded for one calendar year. A second year may be applied for, but this is granted at the discretion of the RAI Academic Committee. A total of two years is the maximum that can be granted.

The RAI can arrange for Postdoctoral Fellows to have a University card and an RAI email address. It may be possible for a hotdesking space to be offered.


Fellows are academics who have a non-casual contract of employment with the University of Oxford or one of its constituent colleges. They are involved in teaching or research in fields relevant to the RAI and they have a publication record, with evidence of scholarly output. They can either be nominated or they can apply directly themselves.

It is expected that Fellows will be involved in the life of the Institute in some way. This can take many forms, including attending, participating in or organising academic events, or teaching courses relating to the RAI's core concerns.

Fellowships are awarded for the duration of the employment contract held with the University or College.

Senior Fellows

Senior Fellows are University postholders who are involved in teaching or research in fields relevant to the RAI. They can only be academics employed by the University of Oxford or one of its constituent colleges on a permanent contract, or a visiting professor employed by the RAI or another Oxford department. They do not have to apply – the RAI Board of Management offers these to appropriate postholders, who may be nominated by the chair in each discipline.

It is expected that Senior Fellows will be involved in the life of the Institute. This can take many forms, including attending, participating in, or organising academic events, or teaching courses relating to the RAI's core concerns.

Once awarded, Senior Fellowships continue all the while the person is employed by the University and remains in post.

Apply for a Fellowship

Postdoctoral Fellowships

To apply for a Postdoctoral Fellowship, applicants must submit the following materials:

  • A short statement of around 250 words confirming the dates they were a Postgraduate Member of the RAI, the date they completed their degree (or the date agreed for their viva, if they have not yet finished their degree), and their plans for the coming year and why a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the RAI would be useful
  • If they do not already have a profile on the RAI website, a short academic biography of around 150 words and a photograph suitable for the website

To apply for a Fellowship, applicants must submit the following materials:

  • A curriculum vitae
  • A statement of around 250 words stating why they wish to be a Fellow of the RAI.
  • A piece of published work of up to 10,000 words as evidence of their substantial and ongoing scholarly contribution to the field in which they work.
  • Evidence of their employment with the University of Oxford
Senior Fellowships

There is no application process for Senior Fellowships. Postholders in the relevant fields may be approached by the RAI or nominated by their head of department.


All application materials should be sent to enquiries@rai.ox.ac.uk. 

Applications are considered as a gathered field three times per year. The deadline is midday on Monday of Week 3 of each term.